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Writer's pictureThomas Bonifield

Writers are Working on New Episodes of "The Chosen"

The filmmakers behind this dramatic series about the life of Christ hope to start shooting as soon as this summer.

Jonathan Roumie, right, as Jesus in an episode from season one. Image: "The Chosen"/Instagram.

With season one off to a successful start, Dallas Jenkins - creator and director of The Chosen - is setting his sights on the second season. In an update to investors, he informed them that the new story lines are mapped out and he and his collaborators are now writing scripts for the first two of the expected eight episodes.

They do not yet, however, have the funding in place to actually produce them and plan to eschew the crowdfunding method used to pay for production of the inaugural season. So how do they plan to raise the necessary funds? Jenkins and his team are largely relying on sales of existing episodes and show merchandise and their "Pay It Forward" program.

Dallas Jenkins displays a promotional poster for season one. Image: "The Chosen"/YouTube.

The filmmakers' ultimate plan is to produce eight seasons that tell the entire Gospel story of Jesus' earthly life and ministry. The price tag for that is somewhere in the $100 million neighborhood, but will be raised incrementally, not all in a lump sum. Season one cost about $10 million - that set the all-time crowdfunding record for a media project - so it's fair to assume this second season will be in the same range.

Though quality entertainment, the primary purpose of this project is ministerial, and Jenkins and his team are targeting a staggering one billion (B) views of the show by the time it is all said and done. A devout Believer, he uses a Biblical parallel to underscore his belief that it is the Lord who will multiple his efforts and those of everyone else involved in the project, including investors.

"We're bringing our loaves and fishes and you're bringing your loaves and fishes and together we're watching God feed the 5,000. And that's what's happening all over the world right now. And we want it to keep happening."

To that end, Jenkins is particularly eager for supporters to use the aforementioned "Pay It Forward" option, which, in addition to providing funding for future episodes, has the added benefit of making the show free to overseas viewers. If the funding can be raised, the first episodes of season two could be ready for release this fall. Christian Film Blog will keep you posted.


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