Filmmakers claim abortion workers are leaving that business after seeing the pro-life Christian film.

A shout-out to Pure Flix Insider for catching this one from Senate subcommittee hearings earlier this week looking into possible censorship by tech companies. Among those testifying was Chuck Konzelman, who wrote and directed Unplanned together with Cary Solomon.
In addition to discussing apparent suppression efforts against their film by companies like Twitter, which we covered here, Konzelman mentioned a stunning number of workers in the abortion industry are quitting after watching the movie.
"One percent of the abortion workers in the United States, after getting one look at them being portrayed on film...have decided to change their lives...and what they do for a living."
That's at least 94 people! How does Konzelman know this? Because those workers have called And Then There Were None, the ministry set up by Abby Johnson - whose true story is the focus of this movie - to find out how to exit the abortion business. What a development! You can see the entire article from Pure Flix Insider at their site.
Unplanned stars Christian actress Ashley Bratcher as Johnson and it is off to a strong start. The faith-based film has brought in $14 million in just two weeks in release.