The first-ever multi-season series about the life of Christ is still in production on the 2nd half of season one.

Cast and crew of The Chosen are currently filming episodes five through eight at Capernaum Film Studios outside Fort Worth, TX. This phase of shooting was scheduled to last 30 days and a recent social media update indicates it should wrap some time next week.

Director Dallas Jenkins and his team now believe the entire first season of the series will be ready for release around Thanksgiving. Assuming they finish shooting these final four episodes on schedule, that will give them three and half months for editing and other post production procedures.
The first four episodes of The Chosen came out back in April. The series aims to portray Jesus, played by actor Jonathan Roumie, through the eyes of those who knew him, including the Apostles, other disciples and Jewish and Roman leaders of the day. John the Baptist and the woman at the well are among the Biblical figures who will be introduced in the second half of season one. The program, which is the all-time crowdfunding champion among media projects, is available on the VidAngel streaming platform.