The Christian actor demonstrates true humility, the likes of which are never seen in Hollywood, or virtually anywhere else.

Christian Film Blog will acknowledge right up front that we find awards shows routine to the point of tedium: a droll emcee, endless nominations, never-ending acceptance speeches, et cetera, et cetera. The odd flub, or - more odd still - gracious eloquence very infrequently ameliorate the proceedings. But it is rare, indeed, that audiences are treated to a truly show-stopping moment.
If you watched this year's Movieguide Awards on the Hallmark Channel, you witnessed just such a moment, courtesy of actor Jim Caviezel. A devout Christian best known for his singular performance as Jesus in Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ, he was nominated this year for most inspiring performance in a film for his portrayal of Luke in Paul: Apostle of Christ.

As he accepted his so-called Grace Award - Movieguide is a Christian organization - he made special mention of co-star James Faulkner, who played the eponymous part of Paul and had also been nominated for the same award. Caviezel thanked him, saying, his own "performance in this film would’ve been incomplete without the great James Faulkner."
Gracious, yes, but nothing unusual. Caviezel, however, was not done yet. He then called Faulkner to join him on stage and delivered the coup de grâce, as it were, of his acceptance speech.
"His ability to transcend and let God’s light come through him…is the reason I am giving this award to him."
Huh, what does he mean? Just what he said. Jim Caviezel gave his Grace Award for most inspiring performance in a film to his shocked co-star. Needless to say, James Faulkner was duly impressed.
"This film is about love and forgiveness and Jimmy’s just shown me the most extraordinary love that any actor can show another actor."
There were, of course, other winners on the night and they should be listed on Movieguide's website soon. In the meantime, what more can we say? Basically nothing, other than Caviezel has no equals in our eyes.