The Christian stage outfit will show a live performance of its production of "Daniel."
Extravagant productions of Biblical stories are nothing new for Sight & Sound Theatres and neither is the playing of them in movie theaters, on television or via streaming, as we have reported before. But until now, the Lancaster, Pennsylvania-based thespians have never put a live presentation of one of their stage productions on the silver screen.
That will change tomorrow, when Daniel will be broadcast live into movie theaters across the country. Based on the Old Testament book by the same name, the show bills itself as a "spectacular theatrical experience for the whole family," and it features the stunning miracles God worked in "the fiery furnace" and "the infamous lion's den;" the latter, of course, involving Daniel and the former his three friends - Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
The show will be in cinemas starting tomorrow - Friday, August 30th - and running through Monday, September 2nd. It would seem that only tomorrow's performance is live, meaning the following days will be a replay of a recorded version of that performance. Nonetheless, as you will see in the trailer below, it is quite a production, and you can purchase tickets to a theater in your area via this link to the website of distributor Fathom Events.