The Christian channel will air this discussion program every weeknight.

Perhaps the most influential young person in the Conservative landscape, Charlie Kirk has found another platform for dispensing his political and social insights and opinions. The 31-year-old Christian will launch his new show this evening on Trinity Broadcasting Network.
Charlie Kirk Today, as it is entitled, will run half an hour on the channel and thus add a television outlet to the venues already featuring the founder and president of Turning Point USA, which is "the country's largest and fastest-growing conservative youth organization," as a press release from TBN puts it. The Ilinois native is already a top-ranked podcaster and a prominent voice on syndicated radio with The Charlie Kirk Show: between those platforms and social media, he currently reaches a whopping 150 million people monthly.
As an ardent supporter of Conservatism in general and President Trump in particular, viewers can expect a steady diet of views from the right side of the political spectrum with this new show. TBN president Matt Crouch says he has "had a great relationship with Charlie for a few years," and is "excited" about his program.
"Charlie Kirk Today will challenge and inspire audiences to think critically about the issues shaping America's future."
Premiering tonight, the show will air Monday through Friday at 6:30 PM ET/5:30 CT on both TBN and TBN+, their streaming platform. You can get more information via this link to the channel's website.