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Writer's pictureThomas Bonifield

New Trailer for "The Chosen"

Filmmakers behind this first-ever dramatic series about the life of Jesus put it out to coincide with the release of the second half of season one.

Erick Avari plays the Pharisee Nicodemus in a scene from "The Chosen."

The entire inaugural season of The Chosen is now available, with the final four episodes - and that trailer - being released today. That makes eight episodes all told, which includes the first four that came out back in April. And the series is not only available in America, but worldwide, which was intially not planned to happen for another year or so.

The man behind the project, creator and director Dallas Jenkins, says they came up with a "pay it forward" option, however, that allows people who buy the series here to contribute extra money so that other less well-off people overseas will be able to stream the program for free. The show is available via the VidAngel streaming platform, on DVD and Blu-ray or via The Chosen app, which can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Play.

The first season of the program follows Jesus' launch of his public ministry, portraying him through the eyes of those who interacted with him, including the disciples, Jewish leaders - like Nicodemus the Pharisee - and the Romans. The series is well done and Jonathan Roumie, who plays the Jesus character, turns in a particularly strong performance.

Christian Film Blog recommends you purchase the series because it is a top-notch production that faithfully tells the Gospel story while mixing in plausible dramatic elements that are extra-Biblical. We recently reviewed these newest episodes - five through eight - and you can get our full take here. The new trailer below will also give you a good feel for what to expect.


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