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Writer's pictureThomas Bonifield

In a Rare Move, Christian Movie Tarred with "R" Rating

Filmmakers of "The Reliant," starring Kevin Sorbo, cry foul over the "unjust" decision from the Motion Picture Association of America.

Due out next year, The Reliant is set in a United States overcome by violent anarchy after economic collapse. Kevin Sorbo's character and his family fight for their survival - literally - and simultaneously try to maintain their Christian values.

As a cursory viewing of the trailer below makes clear, there is a healthy dose of violence - particularly of the gun variety - in this movie. Realistic as that may be given the plot, the MPAA saw fit to tag it with an "R" rating.

That decision did not sit well with the team behind The Reliant, who claim this is a "faith-based, pro-2nd Amendmant action movie" and its content falls well within the parameters of what is acceptable for a "PG-13" rating.

"Unbelievably, the MPAA gave us an "R" rating "for violence"! With no obscenity, no nudity or sexuality, no gore or glamorized violence, this was a complete shock!"

The filmmakers have vowed to fight the MPAA's decision. To that end, they launched a crowd funding campaign to raise money for that need, and some others. As of this writing, they have raised $11,000 of their $50,000 target. You can lend your support via this link, if you'd like. Clearly strong gun-rights supporters, they are even raffling off the handgun Kevin Sorbo uses in the movie.

The Reliant does not yet have a firm release date. You can, however, get a flavor for what's in store via the trailer.


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