Christian actor Kirk Cameron takes to Fox News' morning show to let everyone know about his latest project.
Talk about timing! Earlier this week, Christian Film Blog ran a story about a possible reboot of the '80s sitcom Growing Pains, which of course starred Kirk Cameron. In that piece, we mentioned a current project he has going to help strengthen marriages and families. It's called Living Room Reset and - lo and behold - he was on the Fox News Channel this morning to talk all about it.
Cameron launched the program a year ago and will tour 30 cities this year, stopping at churches to meet with couples interested in marriage and parenting in a Christian context. There is worship music, prayer, discussion and even some "Growing Pains surprises." He's doing this together with his wife of 28 years, Chelsea, who is also the mother of their six children.
In his Fox interview, Cameron emphasizes how important strong families are not just for individuals but also for the country, saying he believes "the strength of the nation is built on the integrity of the home." And from his perspective as a Christian, the Lord must be involved.
"Our hope is in the power of God working through the hearts of people, through moms and dads and building the next generation from the bottom up and the inside out."
You can check out the entire interview via this link to the Fox News Channel, and there is more information on his Living Room Reset here.