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Writer's pictureThomas Bonifield

A Very Brief Run in Theaters Planned for "Palau: The Movie"

In something of a surprise, the film will be on the big screen for only two days.

Gaston Pauls playing the lead role in a scene from "Palau: The Movie."

Palau: The Movie is a biopic about the great evangelist Luis Palau. It charts his life from boyhood poverty in his native Argentina through seminary in America to a life leading millions of people across the globe to salvation in Christ. Directed by Kevin Knoblock, it stars Argentine actor Gaston Pauls as the adult Luis Palau and Australian actress Alexandra Bard as his wife, Pat.

Christian Film Blog has published several stories on the film, including a piece in its 2019 preview section. We had no inkling until today, however, that this would be anything other than a normal theatrical run. Turns out, according to the film's website, it will be in theaters only April 4th and 6th. No word yet as to why, but suffice it to say that distribution may well be the most bedeviling aspect of the entire movie business, irrespective of whether a film is Christian or secular.

The real Luis Palau, who is now 84 and battling stage four cancer, is of course a giant in the Christian community and a most worthy subject for a biopic. So while this two-day showing makes it tougher to catch the movie, we will be sure not to miss it.


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